Paris Meets the Mississippi!

A weekend of appearances by Paris-based author and bon vivant Terrance Gelenter, the quintessential American in Paris. All events are free.

Merle Minda ( and Barbara Redmond ( invite you to a series of events on and near the Mississippi River in Minneapolis with Paris-based bon vivant and author Terrance Gelenter. An American who has re-invented himself into a Parisian life, Terrance is the talent behind “Paris Through Expatriate Eyes”,

Terrance at Cafe Flore in Paris

He knows all the expats in Paris and runs with a host of talented writers, authors and artists. What fun! Come hear him speak and read from his book Paris par Hasard/Paris by Chance: from bagels to brioches!”

Terrance events include: author reading and conversation on Friday, October 26, Magers & Quinn, 7:30 PM, 3038 Hennepin Avenue South in Minneapolis; Saturday, October 27, Temple Israel in Minneapolis, 9 – 10:15AM, Terrance leads the morning study group talking about life in Paris; also Saturday, 3-5PM,  author reading and chat at the Alliance Francaise, 113 No. 1st Street, Minneapolis.; followed by a reception at C’est Chic Boutique, 5:30- 7:30 PM, 212 3rd Avenue North, Minneapolis. Terrance will also pop in about noon to the French language discussion group on Saturday morning at Expresso Royale, 1229 Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. On Sunday, October 28, meet Terrance for breakfast at Wilde Roast, 8:30 – 10:30 AM, on Main Street in Minneapolis.  Mill City Commons* event from 3:30 to 5pm at the Towers, 115 S. 1st Street, (note: for MCC members and guests only.) On Sunday evening, we will recreate an event Terrance holds every week in a Paris hotel — he sings!  Come and enjoy as Terrance warbles your favorites from 6:30 – 8:30PM at the Nicollet Island Inn on the river in Minneapolis, accompanied by Mark Bloom. Books available for purchase at all events.

Terrance is a charmer! Don’t miss any of this!!


(Click icon at right/top to see the full “Paris Meets the Mississippi!” flyer.)

*See for info/reservations to the Mill City Commons event.

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